
Program committee

  • Laura Mančinska (chair; QMATH, University of Copenhagen)
  • Wim van Dam (co-chair; UC Santa Barbara and QC Ware)
  • Juan Miguel Arrazola (Xanadu)
  • Salman Beigi (IPM, Tehran)
  • Mario Berta (Imperial College London)
  • Sergey Bravyi (IBM Research)
  • André Chailloux (INRIA)
  • Eric Chitambar (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
  • Elizabeth Crosson (University of New Mexico)
  • Omar Fawzi (ENS de Lyon)
  • Steven Flammia (University of Sydney)
  • Keisuke Fujii (Kyoto University)
  • Ernesto F. Galvão (Universidade Federal Fluminense)
  • Rahul Jain (CQT, National University of Singapore)
  • Zhengfeng Ji (University of Technology Sydney)
  • Shelby Kimmel (Middlebury College)
  • Robert König (Technische Universität München)
  • François Le Gall (Kyoto University)
  • Serge Massar (Université libre de Bruxelles)
  • Tobias J. Osborne (Leibniz Universität Hannover)
  • Maris Ozols (QuSoft and University of Amsterdam)
  • Christopher Portmann (ETH Zürich)
  • Ana Belén Sainz (Perimeter Institute)
  • Pranab Sen (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)
  • Barbara Terhal (QuTech, TU Delft)
  • John Watrous (IQC, University of Waterloo)
  • Ronald de Wolf (CWI and University of Amsterdam)

Local committee

  • Aarthi Sundaram (chair)
  • Gorjan Alagic (chair) [LC contact:]
  • Alexey Gorshkov (chair, NISQ)
  • Andrew Childs
  • Yi-Kai Liu
  • Carl Miller
  • Jacob Taylor

Steering committee

  • Aram Harrow (chair)
  • Yasuhito Kawano
  • Martin Roetteler
  • Wim van Dam
  • Anne Broadbent
  • Simone Severini
  • Stacey Jeffery
  • Marco Tomamichel

Sponsorship information. Sponsorship is available at three levels: silver, gold, and platinum. Silver and gold levels include one complimentary registration (FMV $495) and the platinum level includes two complimentary registrations (FMV $990). For more information, please contact